Supercap srl has adopted the Organisational Model in compliance with Legislative Decree 231/2001.
Together with the Organisational Model, a Code of Ethics has been approved expressing the principles and values that inspire the Company.
By approving the 231 Organisational Model, Supercap srl intends to confirm and structure its commitment to the market in an ethical and responsible manner, as well as to share these values with its employees, customers, suppliers, consultants, and collaborators.
Supercap srl, in compliance with the current legislation, has adopted its own reporting channels through which Whistleblowing reports can be sent, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the identity of the person sending the report, of the other persons involved and of the content reported. Whistleblowing reports concern violations of the law that harm the public interest or the integrity of the company, of which the Whistleblower has become aware in the context of his/her own work context.