
Supercap renews
BRCGS certifcation!

BRCGS certification is the best assurance on a global level to ensure maximum hygiene and safety in the beverage sector.

Why is BRCGS important to you, and what value does it add to distilleries around the globe?

BRCGS certification refers to Brand Reputation through Compliance, a food quality standard required by all suppliers who target international large-scale market distribution.

The certification (based on HACCP), was designed to define and enforce the operational criteria for packaging material manufacturers to ensure total packaging reliability and safety, in order to protect the end consumer.

Worldwide, this standard has reached such influence that it has spread into the food & beverage markets to affect every level of the production chain, and it has changed its name to BRC Global Standard

BRCGS’ Standards guarantee the standardization of quality, safety and operational criteria and ensure that manufacturers fulfill their legal obligations and provide protection for the end consumer. Certification to BRCGS’ Standards is now often a fundamental requirement of leading retailers, manufacturers and food service organisations.”

This strict international guideline in the food sector covers specific paramaters for ultimate quality and saftey in packaging, but also allows all parties in the supply chain to select, qualify and monitor their suppliers.

Obtaining the BRCGS certification means seizing the opportunity to add value to your brand because:


  • Assures maximum corporate transparency (certification is voluntary, not mandatory)
  • Activates a transparent management system to control all quality, safety and legal constraints
  • Communicates commitment to provide the customer with a certified product – safe & guaranteed
  • Increases the international recognition of food safety
  • Reduces waste and recalls – aims to lower costs
  • Control tool to monitore critical factors

BRCGS standards are recognized by GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative), the most authoritative interest group of agri-food companies.

What are the performance score levels?

The BRCGS uses a simple evaluation system with 5 degrees of conformity – AA, A, B, C and D depending on the number of major and minor non-conformities detected.

BRCGS or ISO 9001 certification?

Most companies simply obtain the ISO 9001 ,a general and non-specific certification. By contrast, BRCGS is very specific, more user-friendly, and covers many more elements. More and more companies are choosing the BRCGS certification over ISO.

Thanks to our R&D department being fully engaged with our production and lab team, we can assure we are producing the highest quality products while fully respecting food safety standards.In the specific sector for production of bartop closures, Supercap is the only company globally to have the entire production process BRCGS certified.

View more about our R&D


SUPERCAP s.r.l. Soc. a Socio Unico
Via Cairo, 83
Mombaroccio (PU) CAP 61024, Italy

C.F. e P.Iva 01492440415
Cap. Soc. Euro: 86.700,00 i.v.


tel. +39.0721.470507
fax +39.0721.471243

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