
Environmental Policy

Supercaps Srl is committed to pursuing the continuous improvement of its environmental performance, minimizing the risks related to its production activities, safeguarding their surrounding environment and having a correct and ecological waste management.

To fulfill these commitments Supercap has the following objectives:

  • To respect the current legislation with regards to pollution and the emission of polluting substances in the environment;
  • To protect the safety of people and the environment;
  • To calculate the atmospheric emissions of its activities and constantly try to reduce them;
  • Perform a continuous control of the production process to monitor the related environmental aspects and impacts;
  • Evaluate the suppliers of goods and services also by their environmental commitment and possession of environmental certifications;
  • Communicate in a clear way our environmental performances to the local community and customers, in order to gain and consolidate trust in the activities and products / services offered;
  • Analyze the use of natural and energy resources, using materials with low environmental impact and renewable energy wherever possible;
  • Engage in waste management by choosing, where possible, recovery and recycling rather than disposal, and communicate to our customers the correct disposal of our products.

Supercap Srl undertakes to achieve the objectives defined in this document, by providing the appropriate technical, economic and professional resources.

This Environmental Policy is promoted at all levels and is everyone’s duty to actively collaborate in improving the Environmental Management System;

Supercap Srl undertakes to ensure with internal checks that the policy is understood and implemented and that the stated objectives are fully pursued.

Mombaroccio, 01/12/2017

The Management


SUPERCAP s.r.l. Soc. a Socio Unico
Via Cairo, 83
Mombaroccio (PU) CAP 61024, Italy

C.F. e P.Iva 01492440415
Cap. Soc. Euro: 86.700,00 i.v.


tel. +39.0721.470507
fax +39.0721.471243

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